Friday, April 11, 2014

Chapter 3: Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation

I. Summary

   This paper attempted to know the reasons of people's fascination to different types of movies. The research design used in this paper is the descriptive research method wherein articles from websites were all gathered to answer the main question of this study. The research findings are the following:

1. People are fascinated to different types of movies because they can relate to the characters and stories that enable them feel better because they are connected to it.

2. Movies gives satisfaction and happiness to viewers by using common situations in the society.

3. People love to take thrilling adventures in order to experience new things in life by watching movies.

4. Movies teaches people about responsibility and facing problems.


   Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Movies catch people's interest.

2. Movies showcases non-animated and animated stories that people can relate to.

3. Movies satisfies the emotional and psychological need of people.


   After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. Movie makers should continue and improve more their production of movies that inspires and motivates people to live life.

2. Viewers should be more aware of how movies affects them. 

3. Viewers should be careful on the things they hear and meditate from movies.

4. Future researcher should research more about the effects of movies in people's lives. Use this study as a basis for a more concrete study in the future regarding or related to the same topic as this study.


A.Electronic Media 

 Hamel, G. (n.d)  How Much Do Filmmakers Earn? Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

Sterritt, D. (1982, November 19). 

How films affect people: a critic sums up his life at the movies Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

Lemiffe (n.d) Films and Their effect on society Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

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