Friday, April 18, 2014

Chapter 1-3 (Final)



A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of English Resource Center
School of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT - Research Writing

Christine Jane E. Peteros

April 2014


A. Background of the study

Everyone watches movies. There is a reason why Hollywood blockbusters are called as such. Movie making is one of the most lucrative industries around. Gregory Hammel wrote an article entitled, "How Much Do Filmmakers Earn?" 

According to that article, the average annual income of directors and producers who work in the motion picture and video industries is around $115,920.

Hammel says, "The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that 18,850 directors and producers were employed in the Los Angles metro area in May 2011 and that they earned $139,770 on average. About 13,220 directors and producers were employed in the New York City metro area and they earned $116,060 on average" (

In films there are different genres that we viewers look forward and those are Indie, Romance, Horror, Suspense, Comedy, Heartbreaking, Animation, Fantasy, Violent, Action, and lot of more.They know some people imitate what they see on-screen. Every topic of films has different influence to the audience.There are positive and negative effects to audience.

David Sterritt wrote a blog post about this issue entitled, "How films affect people: a critic sums up his life at the movies", According to the article, It's important for them to be aware of what these films are telling.

Sterritt says, "Since films are manipulative, and can pull all kinds of tricks without warning, are they an acceptable way for children to learn about the world around them? children are too smart and too innocent to take the movies too seriously on a literal level. "

Movies affect people in many ways. They set examples for fashions, for instance. Audiences see actors and actresses and want to dress like they do. So better to know what these films are telling and know what should copy or should not copy in the movie  

Lemiffe wrote an article entitled, "Films and their effect on society"
It was stated in the article that all our actions are based on what we learn and what we know.

Lemiffe says, "I come to think of this as true up to the extent that all our actions are based on what we learn and what we know, and we as human beings learn by seeing and imitating. Following this trend of thought we can infer that as we see from movies, we tend to act accordingly, by the means of learning and practicing."

Movies are very interesting topic to talk about.
However, the researcher observes that one can be affected by music. In a good and a negative way, whether it is psychologically, physically, or emotionally.

Having background information on films will help an individual understand how movies can affect an individual  by becoming aware on the movie that they watch in what can do to them.

The purpose of this paper is to inform and expose the different sides of films that it can affect an individual in the society.

B. Statement of the problems
This study aim to answer this question:
  1. What are the Reason Why people are fascinated to different types of movies?

C. Significance of the study

College Students of Films and Broadcast communication coursesKnowledge of this study would would help students whose taking up broadcast and Films because movies is inline with their specialization and would insterted to make similar studies.

Teachers and Professors of film. Teachers and professor would benefit from this study because they would able to make use of the information imparted in this research as a future reference lesson for students.

Film makers. Knowledge of this study would benefit from this. They would able to use of such information that serve as a guidelines and would know what should and should not put in the movie.

Future Researchers. Findings on this study may benefit future researchers as a reference. Furthermore, they may use this study’s format as a guideline when making one. And It will also help the future researchers to relate this topic to psychology since this paper’s main focus is about the psychological effect of the movies to people.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study mainly focuses on the reasons why people are fascinated to different types of movies?. In some way, the researcher found it very important to study this matter in order to know how each type caught people's interest.

E. Materials and Methods 

The sources of data that will be used in this research are mostly gathered articles from the internet the generally tackles psychology and films.

This study will be analyzed by pointing out the effects of movies on everyone's live's.

F. Definition of Terms

  1. Film. the process, art, or business of making movies(Source:                                                                     
  2. Film Director. Directors are responsible for creatively translating the film's written script into actual images and sounds on the screen - he or she must visualise and define the style and structure of the film, then act as both a storyteller and team leader to bring this vision to reality. (Source:
   3. Media.  the means of communication, as radio and television,                       newspapers,and magazines, that reach or influence people 
      widely (Source:

    4.Producers. A producer will oversee each project from conception 
      to completion and may also be involved in the marketing 
      and  distribution processes.             

                                                          Chapter 2

What are the Reason Why people are fascinated to different types of movies?

I.Definition and Genre of Movie 

Movies developed gradually from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass media in the 20th century. Movies also teach us about historical events, about socio-political issues, and about mankind, such as a struggle with mental illness.  Just as most people will never personally experience space travel, but can take a virtual ride through the magic of cinema, many will have their only significant exposure through characters in the movies.

their are different genre of movies, according to the filmsite the main types of movies are Action, Comedy, Drama, and Horror

It was stated that, "Action films usually include high energy,Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation.Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. " (

Their are a lot of types of movies, but those movies are the most watch movies of all time because this movies caught their interest and People has reasons why they are caught by this genre of movies.

II. Types of movies and reasons of people's fascination to it

Romance chick flicks are so popular to women because they can easily relate to the characters and to the story. They also can teach us something that we can't learn in our lives. But as far as I know, they are so addicting. Besides, they're so heart touching and can easily make you cry.

In an article "Why do girls like romantic movies so much" from an Unknown author.that tells us the reason why women are so fascinated to romantic movies.

It says their that "Women soon get in touch with the emotions shown in the movie.In a romantic movies, unrealistic relationships are there in which love flows in the air. That is why people especially girls like these movies the most"

Romance movies makes people feel love or fall in love. it makes them feel different kinds of emotions. and sometimes romantic movies gives inspiration to other people. 

People nowadays enjoy watching movies especially this kind of movie, even Teenagers, Parents, and Grandparents enjoy watching animation movies like, Frozen, Up, Toy story, nemo, monsters university, rise of the guardians, and many more.
In an article "Why Animated Movies Are So Good" by , He says that "a movie that has a strong theme everyone can relate to and usually we get a bunch of genres combined. Animated movies have comedy and action and romance and songs! Live-action is more genre-confined."

It is good to watch animation films, because it creates a lot of creative thinking and it helps people especially children's development but still guidance is a must. Parents must be strict and responsible to their children so that children can actually know what should copy or should not copy in the movie


Laughing your heart out is a great feeling especially when you're with your loved ones. When it comes to film, genres such as comedy brings out the happiness in you. Being happy and laughing is sometimes the key to true happiness. Even in the simplest ways film has done it's part in giving merriment to the lives of its viewers. 

In an article entitled, "Learn the benefits you get from comedy movies" by Deena David. It stated how film such as comedy give benefits to viewers. 

David stated that, "It is relaxing for the person. There is very little entertainment that is as good as a comedy movie."

If one views a film full of laughter and jokes it can give him or her a remedy Once you're in the sensation of good vibes it feels your heart with positive emotions. This is a good thing as well because you forget your problems for an hour or so. When I'm with my friends there cannot be a day that I won't laugh hard or make jokes with them. Surely, having emotions of happiness is better than acquiring tears and pain. 


People pay for cinemas just to watch horror movies which will scare them and make them afraid.People love to take thrilling adventures in order to experience new things in life. Like horror movies, this kind of genre makes an individual have of mixed emotions because on how the movie is made. It has drama, sometimes comedy, and thrilling stuff too. 

In an article entitled, "Why our brains love horror movies" by Sharon Begly. A 1995 study found that the higher people score on a scale that measures sensation-seeking, the more they like horror films. 

Begly stated That, “There are people who have a tremendous need for stimulation and excitement, Horror movies are one of the better ways to get really excited.” (

It explain why horror movies are most popular with younger audiences. That fades with it comes to age, because especially as people become more sensitive to their own physiology. Middle-aged and older adults tend not to seek out experiences that make their hearts race, because their real life is scary enough. They don’t need to get their scares from movies.

                                                            Chapter 3
                               SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION

I. Summary

   This paper attempted to know the reasons of people's fascination to different types of movies. The research design used in this paper is the descriptive research method wherein articles from websites were all gathered to answer the main question of this study. The research findings are the following:

1. People are fascinated to different types of movies because they can relate to the characters and stories that enable them feel better because they are connected to it.

2. Movies gives satisfaction and happiness to viewers by using common situations in the society.

3. People love to take thrilling adventures in order to experience new things inlife by watching movies.

4. Movies teaches people about responsibility and facing problems.


   Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Movies catch people's interest.

2. Movies showcases non-animated and animated stories that people can relate to.

3. Movies satisfies the emotional and psychological need of people.


   After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researcher hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. Movie makers should continue and improve more their production of movies that inspires and motivates people to live life.

2. Viewers should be more aware of how movies affects them. 

3. Viewers should be careful on the things they hear and meditate from movies.

4. Future researcher should research more about the effects of movies in people's lives. Use this study as a basis for a more concrete study in the future regarding or related to the same topic as this study.


A.Electronic Media 

 Hamel, G. (n.d)  How Much Do Filmmakers Earn? Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

Sterritt, D. (1982, November 19). 

How films affect people: a critic sums up his life at the movies Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

Lemiffe (n.d) Films and Their effect on society Retrieved last March 17, 2014 from

N.A (n.d) why do girls like romantic movies so much Retrieved last march 23, 2014 from

Ruiz, P. (2013, March 29) Why animated Movies are so good Retrieved last march 23, 2014 from

David, D. (2009, December 11) Learn the benefits you get from comedy movies Retrieved last march 23, 2014 from

Begly, S. (2011, October 25) Why are brains love horror movies Retrieved last march 23, 2014 from

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